"Focus Switcher" is a FREE timer app to manage focus/break cycle by applying the Pomodoro Technique."The Pomodoro Technique" is one of time management techniques, that is: 1. Focus 25 minutes without any interruptions.2. Take a short break for about 5 minutes.3. Repeat focus/short break cycles.4. Every 4 cycles, take a long break for about 20-25 minutes.[https://francescocirillo.com/pages/pomodoro-technique]By focusing for short limited time, you can concentrate on your task more effectively.With this app, You can change how long you focus or take a break and enable longer break or not, etc.Make use of this app for your task time management for FREE.Features:* Background color will change for each state, so you can notice quickly what is current state.* When the state changed, voice will tell you.* You can change time notation between remaining time and elapsed time by touching time display.* Easy to change the setting quickly, easy to use UI* Timer can run while in sleep mode* You can select keep screen ON or not in settings* You can skip break timeNOTE: When you take a long break, a advertisement will be shown.